Titanium Mobile SDK 1.8 available

Titanium Mobile SDK 1.8.0 is already available in the Appcelerator’s continuous integration (CI) area: Just choose the “master” branch and download the latest SDK files for your O.S.!

– http://builds.appcelerator.com.s3.amazonaws.com/mobile/master/mobilesdk-1.8.0-20110513115704-win32.zip is the latest for windows at this moment. To install, just unzip it inside your Titanium SDK folder (this should be, in Windows, %ProgramData%\Titanium – in my case, this translates to C:\ProgramData\Titanium); The ZIP already has the required folder structure (mobilesdk\win32\[version]\etc..), so just unzip it there and everything will be fine.

If you are already using Titanium Studio, use the “Help” -> “Install Titanium SDK from URL” and paste the full URL to the ZIP file you have selected from the nightly builds. I prefer the method above, as this option, sometimes, doesn’t unzip the full contents of the updated SDK.

Titanium Studio, install SDK from URL

Appcelerator has made no official announcement on 1.8.0, so I have no idea what is new, but keep in mind: this is a beta release, and should not be used in production apps.





3 responses to “Titanium Mobile SDK 1.8 available”

  1. Sureshsharma842 Avatar

    As u mentioned, but This is not Okay URL.Every time it encountered the SDK problem.Please tell me right way or any anohter way to install titanium 1.8 Sdk in Windows for Android.
    Thanks in Advance.

  2. Sharry Avatar

    I’ve had issues installing via the ‘Install Titanium SDK from URL’ option when using Desktop 1.2.0 rc3.  It doesn’t always install things properly, see here: http://www.learningtitanium.com/desktop-api/php/desktop-phpinfo.html

  3. Tee Plus Avatar

    Ti.App.setString doesn’t store the data.

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