Tag: dart

  • What’s New in Dart 3: Introduction

    Dart 3 has been described as the largest Dart release to date. These features were first announced at Flutter Forward, and I am so happy that we can use them now that Flutter 3.10 and Dart 3.0 have been officially released. View original article

  • Flutter: a Portable UI Framework for Mobile, Web, Embedded, and Desktop

    Today marks an important milestone for the Flutter framework, as we expand our focus from mobile to incorporate a broader set of devices and form factors. View original article

  • Launching Flutter 1.2 at Mobile World Congress

    The Flutter team is coming to you live this week from Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the largest annual gathering of the mobile technology industry. One year ago, we announced the first beta of Flutter at this same event, and since then Flutter has grown faster than we could have imagined. View original article

  • Managing Flutter Application State With InheritedWidgets

    Everyone has heard that interactive applications can be decomposed into three parts: model, view, and controller. Anyone who has given Flutter a test drive will be familiar with its react-style support for building view/controllers with widgets and callbacks. View original article

  • Why Flutter Uses Dart

    Wm Leler explains why Flutter uses Dart: Here is a quick list of the Dart features that together make it indispensable for Flutter: Dart is AOT (Ahead Of Time) compiled to fast, predictable, native code, which allows almost all of Flutter to be written in Dart. This not only makes Flutter fast, virtually everything (including all…

  • Announcing Flutter Release Preview 1

    Today, we’re delighted to announce Flutter Release Preview 1, signaling a new phase of development for Flutter as we move into the final stages of stabilization for 1.0. View original article

  • Building Forms with Flutter

    Over the years many of the apps I have built dealt with data – searching for data, listing data, submitting new data, etc.  In all of those apps there was one thing they all shared – a requirement to allow a user to submit data to a back-end via some sort of form. View original…

  • Implementing adaptive master-detail layouts in Flutter

    Usually, when developing apps for mobile phones, having too much screen real estate is not the problem. In fact, quite the contrary. Much thought has to be put into how to structure the app so that it does not feel cluttered. On tablets, it is a whole different story. View original article