Category: Articles
CollectDWin, Latest MSI
The latest CollectDWin.msi binary is available for download here. The source code from Bloomberg is available at github.
MySQL per database size with a simple query
Not 100% accurate (as it uses data and index length from information_schema.TABLES), but still useful: SELECT table_schema AS “Database”, ROUND(SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 2) AS “Size (MB)” FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema;
Using Github Actions With Flutter
In this article, we will see how to use Github Actions which is a continuous integration and continuous delivery tool with a Flutter Application. Github Actions is an automation software that helps in continuous integration and continuous delivery.
Taking browser screenshots with javascript? Yes, it is possible.
From Native to Flutter to Web
Hillel Coren explains he went from native mobile apps, to flutter apps and back to web app (using flutter). Useful tips here. Original article at Source at
Top Flutter Tips and Tricks
Programmers: experienced versus beginners
How to use an old iPad as a secondary screen for Windows 10
I have an old iPad 2 lying around. This iPad is getting useless as time goes by, and my 2 monitor setup at home is, sometimes, just not enough. Recently i’ve found a handy piece of software called Wired XDisplay. The setup is pretty straightforward: Install XDisplay from the AppStore, install the Agent on Windows…
Forms in Flutter beta 2 – important limitations
After trying to get Flutter forms to work, mixed with learning Dart and all the Flutter’s intricacies, i came to the conclusion that Form support in Flutter is, at best, sub-par. Namely, there seems to be no support to sequence the inputs (e.g. when you insert text in the first, finish it and focus immediately…
Installing .net core runtime 2.0 on CentOS (or RHEL) + Apache reverse proxy for Kestrel systemd quick start
CentOS 7.x is required, this won’t work older versions. First, enable the dotnet repository for yum: yum install centos-release-dotnet
Display all glyphs in a WOFF, TTF or OpenType font
Very useful online tool i’ve found: – it displays all the font glyphs in a nice, convenient, table.
Meltdown and Spectre in 15 minutes (or less)
Explained by the folks at Computherphile, in some detail in less than 15 minutes.
ISO 8601 Week number in PHP, MySQL and MSSQL
The following methods calculate the ISO 8601 Week number in PHP, MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server, with the same exact results. All the examples below are using the same week criteria: week stars on Monday.
Centos 6, running PHP7 alongside stock PHP5
I have a couple of servers running PHP 5.x.x on CentOS 6 and i want to migrate some to PHP7, without worrying about the older stuff. So, i could compile PHP7 from source, setup FPM and Opcache for it, etc, etc, but i found out that REMI as a solution for this side-by-side scenario.
One Keyboard+Mouse, multiple computers, the Microsoft way
From Microsoft Garage, the new “Mouse without Borders” – it supports also keyboard, clipboard and file drag and drop. Its an alternative to Synergy, Input Director and similar solutions. I’ll give it a try later. Download it here.
Setup Lighthouse, CentOS, 3 simple steps
Lighthouse analyzes web apps and web pages, collecting modern performance metrics and insights on developer best practices. Here is a simple 3 step setup guide for CentOS: Setup the EPEL yum repository install nodejs and npm using YUM Run npm install -g lighthouse And that’s all. Test it out, run lighthouse or run lighthouse…
MySQL replication: How to recover from “Event too small corruption” or “Slave SQL: Relay log read failure”
The basic principle is, just restart where the slave left off. The problem arises if a binary log, on the slave side, remains corrupt. The recovery is relatively simple, just follow the recipe: STOP SLAVE SHOW SLAVE STATUS Note down ‘Relay_Master_Log_File’ and ‘Exec_Master_Log_Pos’ entries. RESET SLAVE CHANGE MASTER TO ….. (use MASTER_LOG_FILE=relay_master_log_file and MASTER_LOG_POS=exec_master_log_pos from…
SystemD quick cheat sheet
A small collection of Systemd commands, along with the Sysvinit counterparts.