Tag: Bookmarks
jQuery Cheat Sheet
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PHP IDE: The10 Best IDEs for PHP Programmers
All set to get your hands dirty with PHP? PHP IDE is the first tool that you need to get started with PHP programming. There are many IDEs available in the market, both free and paid, and selecting one can be a difficult task. View original article
Windows 10 Redstone 2: everything we know (so far)
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The power of lazy programming
Whoever said working hard is a virtue never met a programmer. Yes, ditch diggers who work hard generate longer ditches than those who daydream, and farmers who lean into the plough plant more food than those who stare off into the sky. But programming isn’t the same. View original article
GitHub’s 7 top productivity tools for programmers
With more than 43,000 stars, Oh My Zsh is the most popular productivity tool showcased on GitHub. This open source framework for managing a Z shell configuration is aimed at developers working with the command line. View original article
Microsoft’s CoreRT turns C# into cross-platform C++
Microsoft is slowly changing the .Net toolchain to allow ahead-of-time compilation for applications on platforms where there is no .Net toolchain. The open source CoreRT project does away with using .Net’s standard CLR (Command Line Runtime) to run applications. View original article
Modelling Microservices at Spotify
One of the challenges with a microservices architecture is understanding it. How do you figure out what connects to what, where things are deployed, what capabilities the total system of services has? View original article
What’s New In The Upcoming Android 7.1 Nougat Dev Preview
While the Pixel phones are due to begin shipping later this month and come with Android 7.1 Nougat for the software, other devices which are scheduled to get it, such as the currently compatible Nexus devices that have Android 7.0 software, are still waiting on official releases. View original article
Google launches Firebase Cloud Messaging for the web
Google is announcing today that it’s introducing web support for Firebase Cloud Messaging, a service that lets developers send push notifications for their applications to end users’ devices. View original article
How To Develop A Chat Bot With Node.js – Smashing Magazine
In the past few months, chat bots have become very popular, thanks to Slack, Telegram and Facebook Messenger. But the chat bot idea is not new at all. A chat bot interface is mentioned in the famous Turing test in 1950. View original article
What you need to know about product lifecycle management
In any kind of production process, whether the end product is a washing machine or a piece of software, there are a number of stages to go through. From the initial idea, through design to manufacturing, service and support, and end of life and disposal, all products go through a similar lifecycle. View original article
Devs Await Open Source Word After Commercial RethinkDB Effort Fails
With the company behind the RethinkDB project having failed and its engineering team scooped up by Stripe, Big Data developers are awaiting further word on plans to continue it as fully open source. View original article
Cyanogen is done building its Android-based OS
Cyanogen has some bad news for fans of its Android-based OS: The company will no longer build its full-stack Android fork, which is available on phones from Alcatel, Wileyfox, BQ, Yu, ZUK and OnePlus. View original article
Systemd vulnerability crashes Linux systems
A new vulnerability has been discovered that could shut down most Linux systems using a command short enough to fit in a tweet. View original article
Apple mysteriously banned a popular app from the App Store, and a lot of programmers are mad
Apple has banned a popular app for programmers from its app store, as well as deleted the app developer’s account, the developer says. The app, called Dash, is for Macs and iOS. It’s been around for years. It lets developers easily find and insert snippets of code that they frequently use. View original article
Swift Algorithm Club: September Digest
The Swift Algorithm Club is an open source project to implement popular algorithms and data structures in Swift. We thought it would be useful to periodically give a status update with how things are going with the project. View original article
Vue 2.0 is Here! The Progressive JavaScript Framework
After six months of intense development, eight alphas, eight betas and eight release candidates, Vue 2.0, “The Progressive JavaScript Framework” is finally out. View original article
Realm Open Sources Mobile Database, Grows It into Enterprise Platform
Realm has fully open sourced its mobile database while adding an object server to offer a complete enterprise mobile platform. View original article