Tag: Bookmarks
Generate a PHP Client API (PSR7 compatible) given a OpenApi (Swagger) specification. The generated code may contain bug or incorrect behavior, use it as a base for your application but you should never trust it as is. View original article
The Ten Essentials for Good API Documentation
API documentation is the number one reference for anyone implementing your API, and it can profoundly influence the developer experience. View original article
Git for Subversion Users – A Cheat Sheet
That’s why users will have a hard time if they try to apply SVN’s concepts to Git. Our cheat sheet compares the most important tasks in both systems – and helps you make the switch to Git! View original article
Fixer.io is a free JSON API for current and historical foreign exchange rates published by the European Central Bank. The rates are updated daily around 4PM CET. View original article
Record and play back audio through Loud Speaker, Receiver, Bluetooth and Headphones in your iOS or Android React Native apps. When playing audio, there are chances that the headphone is plugged, or the bluetooth headset is connected to your device. View original article
An Introduction To Gravit Designer: Designing A Weather App (Part 1)
Being a designer at the moment is great because a wealth of modern design applications are available that let you easily bring your ideas to the screen: Sketch1, Affinity Designer, Adobe XD (beta) and Figma, to name just a few (not to mention the classics, Photoshop and Illustrator). View original article
Change your React Native app icons in a single command line
One of the first things you have to do when creating an app is adding app icons. In an Ionic process, we could automate this process with a single command line, why not have the same for React Native? View original article
Change your React Native app icons in a single command line
One of the first things you have to do when creating an app is adding app icons. In an Ionic process, we could automate this process with a single command line, why not have the same for React Native? View original article
Introducing Create React Native App
Today we’re announcing Create React Native App: a new tool that makes it significantly easier to get started with a React Native project! It’s heavily inspired by the design of Create React App and is the product of a collaboration between Facebook and Expo (formerly Exponent). View original article
React Native Performance in Marketplace
React Native is used in multiple places across multiple apps in the Facebook family including a top level tab in the main Facebook apps. Our focus for this post is a highly visible product, Marketplace. View original article
Ionic Framework vs React Native
The Bus In Time app is first born at a hackathon of an open data summit and challenge in Bandung (BOSCHA). We want to make a simple app that use IoT to solve the transportation problem. View original article
The Mobile App Spectrum
I’m a freelancer and at the moment I do mostly mobile apps. Often my clients don’t have a real overview on the app technology they need or what is even out there. View original article
Is Angular Bad for SEO?
Is Angular Bad for SEO? (self.angularjs) View original article
Ionic 2 Crash Course
A quick introduction to Ionic 2 and how to build your first app. View original article
Ionic and Lazy Loading Pt 1
Hi there folks! When we were working on release 3.0.0, our main goal was to add lazy loading to framework and make it as easy as possible. View original article
Ionic 3 – Lazy Loading Components
Ionic 3 – Lazy Loading ComponentsIn this video, we take a look at lazy loading components within Ionic 3 using both a feature/shared module.My Courses:Learn Ionic 3 From Scratchhttps://www.udemy.com/learn-ionic-3-f…Master Ionic 3 with Ionic Native and Cordova Integrationshttps://www.udemy.com/mast View original article
APIDocJS: Generate Documentation for RESTful web APIs from your service’s source code, amost any language
Integrated is an API history, with that various API version levels can be compared. So it can be retraced what changed in the API since the last version. Visit APIDOCJS
The default value of this property is false. When most apps have no touches as user input for a short period, the system puts the device into a “sleep” state where the screen dims. This is done for the purposes of conserving power. View original article