Tag: Bookmarks
Mozilla’s speedy new Firefox Quantum browser drops tomorrow (and it uses way less RAM than Chrome)
I don’t recall being this excited about a Firefox browser in a long time. The first official release of Firefox Quantum drops tomorrow, and even if you’re firmly cemented into the Google Chrome camp, it’s absolutely worth a look. We covered the beta launch of Quantum a couple of months back. View original article
Performance-tuning a React application.
As web apps go, it’s relatively small — about 10,000 lines of code. It’s a React/Redux app, bundled by Webpack, served by a thin Node backend (using Express and MongoDB). 90% of the code is on the front-end. Source code is available on Github. View original article
Introducing form-for. ReactJS Forms Made Easy
If came just for the link, just click here. I’ve been coding for a few years and played with a few technologies. I’m a big fan of a Rails gem called simple_form. I’m also a fan of React. View original article
IBM makes 20 qubit quantum computing machine available as a cloud service
IBM has been offering quantum computing as a cloud service since last year when it came out with a 5 qubit version of the advanced computers. Today, the company announced that it’s releasing 20-qubit quantum computers, quite a leap in just 18 months. View original article
Host ASP.NET Core on Windows with IIS
By Luke Latham and Rick Anderson Supported operating systems The following operating systems are supported: Windows 7 and newer Windows Server 2008 R2 and newer† †Conceptually, the IIS configuration described in this document also applies to hosting ASP. View original article
Should I use React Native?
Why I’m writing it? Because I end up saving this kind of articles all over my internet (GKeep, Medium, Pocket, etc) and when I get asked “Should I use it?” I always end up sending him/her just a portion of the full list. View original article
Entity Framework Core (EF Core) 2.0 – New Cool Features
This article explains and demonstrates some new cool features of Entity Framework Core 2.0. EF Core is a lightweight, extensible and cross-platform ORM version of Entity Framework. This article explains the following new features: This article demonstrates the EF Core 2. View original article
What the heck is a “Progressive Web App”? Seriously.
This morning I went to write an article outlining a few tips about implementing a progressive web app. But when I went to introduce the topic, I again encountered what was the hardest part about the whole thing: I have a really hard time describing what a progressive web app actually is. View original article
React Native & iPhone X
In version 0.50.1, the React Native team introduced a new API for easily dealing with the new iPhone X layout. This API is the SafeAreaView. With SafeAreaView, you can easily update your existing codebase to be integrated with the iPhone X without a lot of headache. View original article
Working With Tables in React, Part One
One of the most common user interface elements for presenting your data is a table. It turns out that there are many aspects to control when working with tables, such as: View original article
SQL Query Optimization for Faster Sites
You know that a fast site == happier users, improved ranking from Google, and increased conversions. View original article
Polymer 3 — First Impressions
My journey to Polymer 3 starts with an idea for a side project, Daily, a Chrome extension that will provide all the latest news for web developers. In a nutshell, a Chrome extension is nothing more than a webapp with special API for close integration with the browser. View original article
CrossOver for Android and Chrome OS enters open beta
CrossOver by CodeWeavers has been available for Mac and Linux for years, allowing users of those operating systems to run some Windows programs without a copy of Windows. View original article
Google announces new machine learning capabilities for Firebase
Firebase’s development platform will receive a series of updates focused on tightening the integration of Firebase services and incorporating more machine learning technology into the toolkit, the Google-owned company announced today at the Firebase Dev Summit in Amsterdam. View original article
Web Typography: Designing Tables to be Read, Not Looked At
Good designers spend a great deal of time sweating over typography. They agonise over typefaces, iterate through type scales and meticulously apply white space, all in the service of the reader. View original article
OWASP Top 10 for ASP.net Core – Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
This article is part of a series on the OWASP Top 10 for ASP.net Core. See below for links to other articles in the series. In previous iterations of this post, I had a big long text wall explanation of what exactly Cross Site Scripting (XSS) was. View original article
Electron packager tutorial
In this electron packager tutorial we will look at how to create MacOS, Windows and Linux executables with an app icon. This is also a continuation of the Electron app icon post, so start there if you haven’t read it (It’s short, i promise). View original article
IBM, Amazon & Microsoft are offering their blockchain technology as a service
Don & Alex Tapscott, authors of the Blockchain Revolution 2016, define the blockchain technology as an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record not just financial transactions, but virtually everything of value. View original article