Tag: Bookmarks
Making your web app work offline, Part 2: The Implementation
This two-part series is a gentle, high-level introduction to offline web development. In Part 1 we got a basic service worker running, which caches our application resources. Now let’s extend it to support offline. View original article
await vs return vs return await
When writing async functions, there are differences between await vs return vs return await, and picking the right one is important. This returns a promise that waits a second, then has a 50/50 chance of fulfilling with “yay” or rejecting with an error. View original article
Google wants Progressive Web Apps to replace Chrome apps
The Chrome Web Store originally launched in 2010, and serves a hub for installing apps, extensions, and themes packaged for Chrome. Over a year ago, Google announced that it would phase out Chrome apps on Windows, Mac, and Linux in 2018. View original article
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Over 4,300+ DOS games that can be played online
Play DOS Games Online was setup for preservation of 4,300+ old retro abandonware games and abandoned OS/interfaces that you can play online right in your web browser for education and research purposes. View original article
Debugging React performance with React 16 and Chrome Devtools.
React was one of the first major front-end frameworks to not only name, but tout it’s rendering performance. React’s virtual dom is famous for efficiently rendering components—but what happens when those components suddenly don’t feel fast anymore? Where do you look? How do you fix it? View original article
Learn electron js framework for free
Upcoming SlideShare Loading in …5 × Learn electron js framework for free 1. Learn Electron Beginners Guide to Electron Framework 2. View original article
Thoughts on MySQL 8.0’s Invisible Indexes
MySQL 8.0 has a new feature called “invisible indexes,” which allow you to quickly enable/disable indexes from being used by the MySQL Optimizer. There are a couple of use cases. One of them is if you want to drop an index, but want to know the effect beforehand. View original article
Learn how to handle JavaScript Errors with Try, Throw, Catch, & Finally
Errors are inevitable. They happen. In this article we’ll explore basic error handling in JavaScript with try and catch. We’ll start off by taking a look at the try and catch syntax. Essentially we create two code blocks. The first contains the code that we will try. View original article
9 Best JavaScript Charting Libraries — DashBouquet
For you to be reading this, it surely would be no news that data visualization has become a very critical part of the IT world today. The huge amount of data being generated by different web technologies need to be properly refined and visualized for the world to use and gain insights from. View original…
C# 7.1, 7.2 and 8 – New and Upcoming Features
With Visual Studio 2017, Microsoft increased the release cadence for C#. Between the major versions, which were historically aligned with new Visual Studio versions, they started to release minor versions as part of selected Visual Studio 2017 updates. View original article
Meet the Bots That Let You Trade Bitcoin in Your Sleep
With all the allegations of Mt. Gox’s automated trading bot, which has been dubbed “Willy”, algorithmic trading is getting a bad rap. View original article
Developing Bristol Pound – An Open Source React Native App
A few weeks ago the new Bristol Pound mobile app was launched, allowing users of this local currency to find vendors, view transactions and make payments on both iOS and Android. View original article
How to Upgrade PHP 5.3 to PHP 5.6 on CentOS 6.7
In this article, I’m going to show you how to upgrade PHP 5.3 to PHP 5.6 on CentOS 6.7. Great, now we can move on! View original article
How we build real-time features using NodeJS and SocketIO
Users are increasingly enjoying instant access to information such as emails, messages in chat rooms, changes made by everyone for collaborative work. A solution as Tuleap aims at making easier for teams’ members to work together. View original article
What is a Single Page Application?
These days, SPAs “Single Page Apps” are on the rise in the world of web technologies. Single page apps are those apps which work inside a browser and don’t require page reload while they are being used. View original article
Android Studio 3.0 IDE supports Android Things for the IoT
Specifically, it includes a new set of templates in the New Project wizard and the New Module wizard to develop for the Android Things platform, but there’s a whole host of other features. View original article
React 16 Release: What’s New?
ReactJS is a JavaScript library, built and maintained by Facebook. At the time of writing, ReactJS has over 78,000 stars on GitHub. And many web platforms such as Twitter, Airbnb, Lyft, Dropbox, Pinterest, Whatsapp, and Instagram use ReactJS to build their user interfaces. View original article