Category: The Others
Generating a model from an existing database
If you have an existing database, you can use Entity Framework Core commands to speed up development by reverse-engineering the files for the model from the database schema. The following example illustrates how to do this from a SQL Server database in a new console application using the CLI tools.
Announcing Flutter 2
Our goal is to fundamentally shift how developers think about building apps, starting not with the platform you’re targeting but rather with the experience you want to create. Flutter allows you to handcraft beautiful experiences where your brand and design comes to the forefront.
Flutter Vignette Showcase
Showcase the capabilities and potential of Flutter.
The true open source database for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and more
Firebird Project announces the first Release Candidate of Firebird 4.0, the next major version of the Firebird relational database, which is now available for testing on Windows and Linux platforms.
Build Flutter Apps Fast with Riverpod, Firebase, Hooks, and Freezed
» Flutter courses, writeups, and source code on Launch Club 🧠 So you want to learn how to build apps quickly. You’re in the right place. Thanks to the thriving universe of Flutter packages on, we can do just that. Today, I’m going to teach you how to b
Can Google make cross-platform mobile app development suck less?
Today, Google is holding a developer conference in London for Flutter, a new development environment for developing mobile apps for both Android and iOS. Google calls Flutter a “portable UI toolkit,” and Paul Miller has called it “a Frankenstein’s monster of various Google projects.
Managing Flutter Application State With InheritedWidgets
Everyone has heard that interactive applications can be decomposed into three parts: model, view, and controller. Anyone who has given Flutter a test drive will be familiar with its react-style support for building view/controllers with widgets and callbacks.
Hands-On with WSL: Installing Other Linux Distros
The third article of a five-part series on Microsoft’s Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). This article is part three of a five-part series in which I discuss various aspects and functions of the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
Architect your Flutter project using BLOC pattern
Hi Folks! I am back with another brand new article on Flutter. This time I will be talking and demonstrating to you “how to architect your Flutter projects”. So that you can maintain, scale and test your Flutter projects easily. Before diving into the actual topic.
WebAPI Improvements in .NET 5 – OpenAPI, Better F5, and NSwag
In .NET 5, WebAPI has an important quality of life upgrade. In this video, we are going to look at the integration of OpenAPI into the project, how it works, and then why it is so important. We will also look briefly at NSwag and how to use it to generate API clients for our…
Database to code with a Firebird database
Using example values. The data context class is generated for all Models of the database.
Flutter: a Portable UI Framework for Mobile, Web, Embedded, and Desktop
Today marks an important milestone for the Flutter framework, as we expand our focus from mobile to incorporate a broader set of devices and form factors.
Launching Flutter 1.2 at Mobile World Congress
The Flutter team is coming to you live this week from Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the largest annual gathering of the mobile technology industry. One year ago, we announced the first beta of Flutter at this same event, and since then Flutter has grown faster than we could have imagined.
Samsung Investigates Massive Data Leak — What You Need To Know
A security researcher has revealed that a whole load of sensitive information has been inadvertently made accessible to the public on GitLab. Nothing so unusual about that you might think. However, the information concerned included source code, credentials and secret keys for various projects.
What is .NET 5? What You Need to Know Before the Release
Microsoft’s .NET 5 is due for release on 10 November 2020 and has some major changes that can significantly impact your organization. You’ll have to migrate to .
Regular Expressions Cookbook, 2nd Edition by Steven Levithan, Jan Goyvaerts
To make VAT numbers easier to read for humans, people often type them in with extra punctuation to split the digits into groups. For instance, a German customer might enter his VAT number DE123456789 as DE 123.456.789.
Hello MicroK8s: A simpler Kubernetes
Kubernetes is rapidly becoming the de facto platform for container-based applications. Kubernetes automates the deployment and scaling of containerized applications and simplifies maintenance tasks such as updates and upgrades. View original article
How YOU can Dockerize a .Net Core app
This is the first part of a series of posts on using Docker and containerization with .Net Core. In the title, we call what we are about to do dockerizing. It’s called dockerizing after Docker. View original article