Category: Quick Tips
MySQL replication: How to recover from “Event too small corruption” or “Slave SQL: Relay log read failure”
The basic principle is, just restart where the slave left off. The problem arises if a binary log, on the slave side, remains corrupt. The recovery is relatively simple, just follow the recipe: STOP SLAVE SHOW SLAVE STATUS Note down ‘Relay_Master_Log_File’ and ‘Exec_Master_Log_Pos’ entries. RESET SLAVE CHANGE MASTER TO ….. (use MASTER_LOG_FILE=relay_master_log_file and MASTER_LOG_POS=exec_master_log_pos from…
tip: Volley comm library for android, available via Gradle
Previously, in order to use Volley, the only way was to add the “jar” file to the project – not anymore – official volley is now available, just change the app.gradle file:
Quicky check if Data connection is available (Android SDK)
Just use the following method: public boolean isOnline() { boolean status=false; try{ ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) getActivity() .getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo netInfo = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo(); status=netInfo.isConnected(); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return status; }
Android Toasts (e.g. small notifications), how to use in Fragments
The syntax is very simple. The example below is invoked from inside a Fragment, so the first parameter (Context) is the activity that holds the fragment: Toast.makeText(getActivity(),R.string.asset_added_fav,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); The second parameter is the message, the third is the duration, Toast.makeText returns an instance of Toast, that we “.show()” immediately.
FTP file upload using CURL
The command is very very simple: just type curl -T localfile.ext ftp://username:[email protected]/remotedir/ If you want to use a different destination filename just add it at the end: curl -T localfile.ext ftp://username:[email protected]/remotedir/