Category: Articles
Android Lollipop Showcase, by Mike Penz
A good example of CardViews, RecyclerViews and other Lollipop goodies by Mike Penz. The example is available at Goolge Play, source code at Github.
Collection of Swift tutorials
Understanding Optionals in Swift
Full article at AppCoda
Free online ebook: iOS 8 App Development Essentials
The index: Start Here For New iOS Developers For iOS 7 Developers Source Code Download Joining the Apple iOS 8 Developer Program Registered Apple Developer Downloading Xcode 6 and the iOS 8 SDK iOS Developer Program When to Enroll in the iOS Developer Program? Enrolling in the iOS Developer Program Installing Xcode 6 and the…
Cocoa Realm: Perth iOS Meetup 20th November
Android: detecting the current caller
Credit Naser Shaikh
Enumerating all providers, and respective installed apps, in Android
Android ships with a number of content providers that store common data such as contact information, calendar information, and media files. These classes offer simplified methods of adding or retrieving data from these content providers. If you need to list all the installed providers, for debugging and other purposes, use the following code:
AngularJs + Bootstrap, single page app resources
Some bookmarks on how to develop single page applications using AngularJs and Bootstrap
Android Development, Best Practices
Compiled by Futurice, here is the summary of what they have compiled so far: Use Gradle and its recommended project structure Put passwords and sensitive data in Don’t write your own HTTP client, use Volley or Retrofit libraries Use the Jackson library to parse JSON data Use Volley or Retrofit+OkHttp+Picasso for networking and images…
Material Design for Pre-Lollipop Devices
The Android 5.0 SDK was released last Friday, featuring new UI widgets and material design, our visual language focused on good design. To enable you to bring your latest designs to older Android platforms we have expanded our support libraries, including a major update to AppCompat, as well as new RecyclerView, CardView and Palette libraries.…
Make your Android App Lollipop compatible
by Antonio Leiva:
Android debugging: adb via tcp
Very simple instructions here on how to debug android apps via tcp.
Quicky check if Data connection is available (Android SDK)
Just use the following method: public boolean isOnline() { boolean status=false; try{ ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) getActivity() .getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo netInfo = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo(); status=netInfo.isConnected(); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return status; }
Android Toasts (e.g. small notifications), how to use in Fragments
The syntax is very simple. The example below is invoked from inside a Fragment, so the first parameter (Context) is the activity that holds the fragment: Toast.makeText(getActivity(),R.string.asset_added_fav,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); The second parameter is the message, the third is the duration, Toast.makeText returns an instance of Toast, that we “.show()” immediately.
FTP file upload using CURL
The command is very very simple: just type curl -T localfile.ext ftp://username:[email protected]/remotedir/ If you want to use a different destination filename just add it at the end: curl -T localfile.ext ftp://username:[email protected]/remotedir/
node.js app as a Daemon/Service
Charlie Robbins wrote a nice article on how to run your node.js permanently. Find the full article on nodejitsu.
Create Chrome Desktop Apps with Sencha ExtJS
Mobile Browser Detection: many samples, including Apache modRewrite(!)
Check it out at